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손님 1.3만단골 24글 179
Jay-Z & 오퍼스 원![](https://img1.daumcdn.net/thumb/R1024x0/?fname=https%3A%2F%2Ft1.daumcdn.net%2Ftable_attach%2F2582561770%2Fbd3ab22bccb35b869fa6f9837127d7732eb244a8&scode=cafe)
인생와인은 늘 망빈이었다.
댓글 0#오퍼스원
힙합 뮤지션 Jay-Z의 랩음악 ‘네가 가진 것을 내게 보여줘(Show Me What You Got)’에는 “나는 시간이 흐를수록 더 나아지고 있어, 오퍼스 원(Opus One)처럼 말이야” 라는 가사가 나온다.
Give the drummer some
Shit I already gave the summer some
It's the winter's turn
Hovie Hov is the coldest
I'm just getting better with time
I'm like Opus One
* 출처: https://band.us/band/82847533/post/31
댓글 0
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