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Statistics of Women Murdered by a Man You Don't Know (in 2023, South Korea)




4일에 1명이 살해당함

Every four days a woman is killed by a man she doesn't know.





23% 성폭력 시도

13% 여자라서

9% 홧김에


<the reason for the murder>

23%: attempted sexual violence

13%: just female

9%: in the heat of the moment




솔까 [성폭력시도=여자라서=홧김에] 라서 그냥 여자라서 죽인거나 마찬가지


All three of the reasons are the same as "killed" because it's a "woman."

The men just killed her because she was a woman.




살해된 피해자만 88명

생존한 피해자까지 생각하면 2~3일에 한명꼴로 여자라는 이유로 살해당하는거임


In 2023, 88 women were killed by a man they didn't know.
Considering the survivors, one person is killed by a man every two to three days because she is a "woman."





For dating violence, one woman is killed by a man every 2.7 days. 

At least 138 women died of dating violence in 2023.

This is the minimum number. If done properly, it is expected to be more.


The government has not even made an official count of dating violence.










Dating violence 4,400 people in four months 2024... arrest is only 1.9%











출처 https://theqoo.net/hot/3425283795?filter_mode=normal&page=7





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